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How To Get Real Estate Together As An Engaged Couple

Kathy Lloyd

How To Get Real Estate Together As An Engaged Couple

March marks the beginning of bridal show season and all you brides-to-be and grooms-to-be would have begun preparing to celebrate your soon to be nuptials. Now, due to the pandemic, many engaged couples have to wait or adjust. No matter the changes you decide to make, as you prepare for your wedding day, it is imperative that you also keep your long-term plans in mind. Among the important conversations that engaged couples should have, in preparation for marriage, is the one about real estate. It, in many ways will be a part of the marriage. Before or during the engagement, when it comes to real estate, couples should; talk about it, prepare for it, and take action.


Time, many divorcees, and numerous happily married couples have proven that communication is vital in maintaining a healthy relationship, and real estate is an important part of that communication. As a general rule it is good to share your individual dreams and plans with your partner. This allows both of you to see what fits, and where compromises may have to be made. It is possible for real estate to come up as a direct topic and also be a branch of other conversations. The subject may come up when the two of you speak about the amount of kids you have or want to have, when she talks about the island or part of town she wants to live in, or when he speaks about his dream job and how close to home he wants it to be. Whenever you do speak about this topic, be sure to be clear about your present wants, needs and ability to compromise. While it is an important conversation it can also be a fun conversation. Play a game of I Would Like/What If where the two of you express your greatest desires and then see the where you both agree, disagree or find a way to negotiate. Another fun activity is creating a vision board together. It can be real estate specific or a general marriage goals board. Whether you decide to take the fun route or the more serious conversation route, be sure to have the conversation because your real estate decisions are attached to finances and trust which are also important to the success of your relationship.


After the conversation, there are other things that can be done to prepare for your real estate journey as a couple. If you haven’t already, it is good to do a financial checkup. List all of your debt, assets, and budgets. This will form a picture of your financial standings. You can begin to; figure out how you will get rid of debt, reset your budgets to include individual and couple goals and expenses, and decide to join assets or keep them separate. This can be a very revealing process, I know because I have done it with my husband, so attempt to keep the conversation real but light and take a short break from the process if necessary. Another thing that can be marked off of your preparation list is getting pre-qualified by a mortgage specialist. The mortgage officer will ask you both for all the relevant information, and then let you know what amount you are able to borrow towards your real estate investment. This creates clarity, and tells you whether you can move forward toward your real estate vision or if you need to work on some things in order to get into a ready state. Preparation is important when it comes to marriage and real estate so be open and embrace any fears you may have.


Even if you start out with a small step, taking action is essential. Firstly, you can create an account dedicated to funding your real estate endeavours. This ensures that whenever you are ready to move forward you have some financial foundation specifically for your joint real estate investments. Secondly, you can reach out to a real estate agent, like myself, to discuss the groundwork you have done and explore your options. Thirdly, you can requests that your agent sets up viewings for you to see properties that fit what you are able and willing to invest in. Finally, if you feel as if you have already found the property that you both are excited to own, allow your agent to get your purchase process started by putting in an offer. I did not put a rating of significance to either of these steps, as that measure would depend on each couple and how emotionally and financially ready they are. Without action it will all remain a real estate dream.

The real estate journey, whether it involves buying, selling or renting can prove to be challenging in a marriage. Real estate is among the important conversations and jubilant achievements in a relationship. It is important to talk about before the wedding day in order to make the journey a little easier. So as you plan your fairy tale day and happily ever after don’t forget to talk about real estate together, prepare for your real estate journey together, and take actions to make your real estate dreams real together.

Here Are Your Real Estate Keys:

Talk About It

  • Play a fun game to convey your desire

  • Express your wants and needs

  • Let your partner know what you can compromise on

Prepare For It

  • Complete Financial Checkup

  • Get Pre-qualified by a Mortgage Officer

Get To It

  • Create a joint bank account dedicated to real estate

  • Contact a Real Estate Agent

  • Ask your agent to set up viewing appointments

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