I value service. For me I do not just value and appreciate service, but I look for, love, expect and appreciate good customer service from others. Ordinarily, I consider myself as a high achiever, and believe in going the extra mile, so for me, I do my best to give my clients exceptional customer service. Many years ago, while working as an Assistant Manager in the Hotel Licensing Department, I went to a local hotel property to perform a hotel inspection. While there, I came across a huge wall mounted sign with a simple but powerful message that was situated in a back of the house area, which simply stated: BLOW AWAY THE CUSTOMER! That resonated deeply within me and while I always prided myself in giving good service, it challenged me to step up my game and become an exceptional customer service provider.
Outside of Real Estate, I am known locally for providing exceptional customer service through my Vehicle Licensing Service. I give exceptional professional service that my clients have come to love. This has resulted in repeat service, awesome referrals and a good business reputation. I would like to highlight a few things that contribute to the level of customer service that I am known for:
1) Live by the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.
Honestly, I despise inefficiency with a passion, I abhor poor service even more. As someone who expects and demands good customer from others, I cannot help but to offer the same service that I expect. There is a saying that people may forget what you say, but they will always remember how you make them feel. I do my best to make sure that my clients feel special, valued, and appreciated for bringing their business to me.
2. A Person is Only as Good as their Word.
If I don’t remember my father for anything else, these words will always remain with me. This is an attitude that was instilled in me since childhood and it is a mindset that I have even to this day. When you say that you are going to do something then do it. For many individuals, honesty, integrity and having a good name especially in business dealing is critically important. I am one of them. Clients expect no less, and for them it is refreshing to find service providers who live up to the expectation of doing what they say they will do.
3. Do it right the first time and you will not have to do it again.
I have a memory from childhood when I was learning to do cursive writing and my father who had beautiful handwriting would make me erase the word or letters if I didn't do it properly. Much to my annoyance, he would make me erase it and do it over repeatedly until I got it right. On one of those occasions out of frustration I asked my dad why he was making me do it over and over again, when in my mind it was fine. He said something to me which I have taught my offspring through the same writing exercise, "do it right the first time and you will not have to do it again". That action by my father caused me to be very meticulous in everything that I do. Over the years, many clients have expressed an appreciation for how detailed, knowledgeable and professional I am. For me, my time is valuable, so I prefer to do something once rather than repeatedly.
4. Exercise Professionalism Consistently.
Being referred by a previous client is especially important and should not be taken likely. After all, word of mouth is the best form of advertisement you will receive, and it can make you or break you. When someone refers you and pass along the glowing experience they had, the person being referred will expect the same level of service. For me, I have learned to be consistent across the Board. When good service comes naturally, you don’t have to worry whether you are doing it right or if you are living up to the expectation of the referral. I love when I am tagged on social media about my business services and get to see the raving reviews from past clients and the consistency in their messages: "He is very professional, reliable and can be trusted." That speaks volume to me. It means that I have blown away many customers.
5. You are what you think and speak, and you perform accordingly.
There used to be a fast-food commercial that would come across the radio with the tagline, “You are what you eat, and you perform accordingly”. Similarly, I believe that you are what you think and speak, and you perform accordingly. I have often been inspired by the Poem, If you think you are beaten you are … there is a line in the poem that says success begins with a fellow’s will, it’s all in a state of mind. And since I subscribe to scriptural teachings, my readings suggest that "life and death is in the power of the tongue" and I have been instructed to speak things into being. As a result, I often decree and declare that I am successful and speak good things over my life. I believe that I am, so I am. Belief in yourself is an important first step in making that first step.
How would you define good customer service and can you name one company that offers it consistently?